How To Change The Time On A Tachograph

Introduction: How To Change The Time On A Tachograph

Changing the display time on your tachograph should be a similar process, no matter what make or model of digital tachograph you have.

- With the Driver Card inserted,
- Press the OK button.
- Use the arrow buttons to navigate to "Entry ⇾ Vehicle".
- Press the OK button.
- Use the arrow buttons to navigate to "Vehicle ⇾ Local Time".
- Here, you can use the arrow buttons to change the display time by 30-minute intervals.
- Once you're happy with the time, press the OK button once more to confirm your changes.

How To Change The Time On A Tachograph

When should you change the display time on your tachograph?

Ideally, you want the display time on your tachograph to be the same as the time you use day-to-day!

Every year on the last Sunday of March, the clocks go forwards by an hour, bringing us into British Summer Time (BST). On the last Sunday of October every year, the clocks go back by an hour, putting us back in-line with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

How To Change The Time On A Tachograph - Why is the time different on my tachograph print-outs?

Tachograph print-outs are always represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - a standardised time used by machines around the world for accuracy purposes.

UTC happens to be the same as GMT, so often your tachograph printouts will align with the time on the display. However, this won't be the case if your display is set to any other time zones, or BST.

How TachoMagic Can Help

TachoMagic is a tachograph analysis bureau, and supplier of automatic download devices for fleets across the UK. We've got decades of experience in the business, and we've decided to share a lot of it on our website!

At the moment, we're working on a feature that allows tachograph printouts to be uploaded onto our system, where we can instantly, automatically analyse them! Handy if you're having trouble doing a download, or for record-keeping.

If you or your work are interested in what we've got to offer, why not have a browse of our website? Feel free to get in touch using the contact details below if you have any questions!

How To Change The Time On A Tachograph

Further Reading: How To Change The Time On A Tachograph

If you've found our page, "How To Change The Time On A Tachograph" useful, we've linked below a few more of our tacho guides:

About The Author

Simon T

Simon Theaker
Simon has over 20 years of dealing with tachograph analysis, and the technologies involved.
His in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience have made him a key behind-the-scenes member of the TachoMagic team.

Through his blogs, Simon hopes to make the lives of Fleet Managers easier, as he shares the answers to some of the most common questions he has received.

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